Episode 103 – We all need a Safe Seat at the Table – Allergies and Beyond – AllerCuisine’s Dee Dee Vicino

Episode 103 – We all need a Safe Seat at the Table – Allergies and Beyond – AllerCuisine’s Dee Dee Vicino

00:00 / 1:22:26

“I think it’s reasonable to say, if I’m paying you for food, your food should not poison me.”

Dee Dee founder and CEO of AllerCuisine works with corporations, schools and hospitals to create a simple and supportive environment where employees feel confident navigating dietary needs and food allergies within to create more productive employees.

She also helps companies support those they serve with dietary needs, be they students, patients or customers.

She also is a huge advocate for us all to have safe food that doesn’t poison us or slowly compromise our health.

We also talk about…

  • The benefits of having a plan to support those with dietary needs
  • Food allergies and celiac disease – how common are they?
  • Feels like everyone has sensitivities to food or diet restrictions – Why is it getting worse?
  • Is the U.S. food system contributing to our food allergies and sensitivities and other diseases?
  • Food in the workplace and how it can affect productivity
  • How can we help support to have safer food for all


Learn about Dee Dee, sign up for her newsletter, watch her videos, etc. find out about her in person or on line training at…



Speaker information


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Facebook group for those in the industry looking to change our food so we aren’t paying people to poison us.
Food allergy ambassadors

Mentioned by Dee Dee:
Chef Keith Norman


Chef Keith’s Book

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