Episode 20 – Interview with DJ White – The How and the Why She Chooses Ketogenics for her Health

Episode 20 – Interview with DJ White – The How and the Why She Chooses Ketogenics for her Health

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DJ White – The how and the why she chooses Ketogenics for her health

Personal trainer, palates instructor and competitive lifter for over 20 years shares her reasons to live the keto lifestyle and why she feels it reduces her risk of cancer

Contact information for DJ
Phone Number: (612) 910-6500

DJ sent links to a few recipes she mentioned

Here is the Keto Bun recipe – I usually make it in a square cake pan with stone brand Almond Flour and I use Kerrygold Salted Butter in mine.

Here is the Pizza Crust recipe. I purchase Cauliflower Crumbles and I do not steam them.

Pizza sauce brand DJ Mentions – Pastorelli pizza sauce

Book Resource Mentioned:

The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Ketosis, by Jacob and Ryan Lowery

Ketone Power: Superfuel for Optimal Mental Health and Ultimate Physical Performance by Cristian Vlad Zot

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance by Jeff S. Volek and Stephen D. Phinney

Maria Emmerich has 12 books on Amazon – listed at this link:

Unreferenced specific books:
Dr. Mercola

2018 Events mentioned at the beginning of the podcast:

Northland Community Wellness Day – SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2018, 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Northland CWD.org


Spirit & Wellness Connection Event – May 19, 2018, 10:00AM – 5:00PM
We are going to be doing a live podcast at this event – more details to come!


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