What is happiness?
When Vinod retired, he felt like he had all the great things in life, but he felt he wasn’t as happy or fulfilled as he could be. He talks about his search and his findings.
What makes us happy, and how do we influence and support our own happiness?
- How do we set ourselves up in life to be happy?
- What supports our unhappiness?
- Why do we even HAVE negative thoughts.
- What can we do, actions can we take to support our happiness?
- Side effects of being happy!
You can contact Vinod if you would like to have him talk to your group or organization on the topics below:
- Happiness
- His hikes and exploration
- Success
- Time management
- Balance in life
Vinod Gupta worked for more than a quarter century in the paper industry with SAPPI, most recently as Manager of Pulping Research for Sappi at Cloquet. He has an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering, a Master of Science in Paper Chemistry, and a Master’s Degree in Management. He is now a Certified Financial Planner and a Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial. He has two children. He lives in Hermantown, MN, and loves to dance, garden, cross-country ski, visit National Parks, read, does public speaking and volunteer.
Contact Venod:
I definitely have to try to write down 45 good things that happened in one day.
A good list to refer to when we are feeling down perhaps!
And, fun to find those little mundane things that are NOT so mundane.
Indoor plumbing in winter… For this I am SOOOO grateful!