Episode 84 – Joel Bamford – Our skin, the Sun, Benefits, Drawbacks and Care

Episode 84 – Joel Bamford – Our skin, the Sun, Benefits, Drawbacks and Care

00:00 / 1:02:24

Joel Bamford, dermatologist, brings his passion of helping us know the ways around caring for our skin after his retirement.   He spent some time with me so we can all be reminded that the sun has great health protective benefits and some drawbacks in its power. And, the drawbacks of getting too little.

We touch on Vitamin D, best times to get access to it here in the Northland, the FDA’s suggestion for safe sun blocking chemicals, tanning and safety in its various forms, and the cultural influence conundrum.

  • How clean is TOO clean when it comes to, especially, dry winter skin.
  • What Joel’s doing now?
  • Core values and how they guide you if you aren’t aware of them.


  • Discover your core values and what you do to sabotage your core values.
  • One on one or a small group.
  • In person (For all you Duluthians or vacationers!)


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