Calling all storytellers, experienced or not – And those who love to connect with others and other perspectives through listening.
Adeline’s creation is building community connection and understanding in a safe space that invites us to share our stories, challenges, struggles, experiences; what makes us who we are. Creating a loving and supportive environment encouraging us to be brave and vulnerable for those experienced storytellers and especially those who are not. Those who might not otherwise have a platform to speak from but have a story inside them.
Adeline encourages us to read from our diaries. “A public confessional.”
Inspired by “Mortified” out of Seattle. (sharing of personal diaries), Adeline shares the history of Gag Me With A Spoon, the why and how it has morphed into what it has become today. Her difficult divorce and time have shaped her understanding of the power of the narrative.
She shares her philosophy, the experience and challenges of hosting an open event like this. And how her salon atmosphere opens people up to forward moving conversations.
We end by giving you a taste with a story excerpt taken from a story at a recent Gag Me With A Spoon.
This community story share happens the second Sunday of each month here in Duluth, MN. $5 at the door of the Zeitgeist Teatro Zuccone at 7pm.
(Podcast on the web and iTunes for those of you outside the area.)
Find the podcast and the rest of the story below.
Episode “I know me Better” listed as May 21, 2019
July 14, 2019 – Superior Siren
Aug 11, 2019 – Sam Miltich
Adeline Inc.
Voula Vintage!!!
Opening August 1st, inside Adeline’s Salon, Adeline Inc.
Christina Livadaros has created and will open Duluth’s first gender neutral micro thrift store, Voula Vintage
Absolutely LOVED this episode!!! Definitely plan on checking out the next event. And, I am also super stoked to hear about the soon to be open gender neutral clothing store Voula Vintage – happy dance!!
YAAAH I’m so glad you did!

Yes! The store!! I’m excited to see their creative plans!
Let her know you heard about it on the podcast!