Episode 20 – Interview with DJ White – The How and the Why She Chooses Ketogenics for her Health
DJ White – The how and the why she chooses Ketogenics for her health
Personal trainer, palates instructor and competitive lifter for over 20 years shares her reasons to live the keto lifestyle and why she feels it reduces her risk of cancer
Episode 17 – Conversation with Shane Courtland – His Success Living The Ketogenic Diet
Shane Courtland helps quell my, and hopefully your, curiosity about the Ketogenic (Keto) diet sharing his experience with it – how the diet has worked for him, what type of food he eats, how he feels and how he has done over the time he has been living it. The link mentioned https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/keto Another suggestion from Shane https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/what-keto-diet-it-right-you-ncna847256 Shane is… Read more »