Episode 42 – Ask the Doctor with Dr Jocelyn Strand
00:00 / 49:14
Ask the doctor with Dr. Jocelyn Strand.
Lots of questions about eating.
Topics that were covered.
* Nutritional yeast. OK if I am sensitive to yeast and other interesting tidbits.
* “How can I eat vegan and loose weight?” Thank you Jessica M. for the question.
* Hypoglycemia – How to healthfully stabilize your blood sugar lows and blood sugar in general to avoid the spikes and drops.
* Saturated fat, bad for us or is it a matter of the other foods we are eating with it? What about creating inflammation?
* (We welcome YOUR questions. Please email Judy@WellnessRen.com or connect on facebook to submit your questions for next time!)
Episode 40 – Jim Naus – His Healing Journey – Your Body is Always Healing
00:00 / 1:25:55
Using food, and other tools, as his medicine for allergies and digestive issues as a kid to a long and hard hitting, painful experience with Lyme Disease in the last 5 years, Jim has brought himself to a picture of health and strength through his education – Especially though his self guided searching and education in health and various modalities and methods. He shares some of the fruits of his labor, the breadth of how food can effect our health and life, where he is now and how he stays in stasis and his current good health such as his food, simple plant based diet, self kindness as opposed to self blame, our mindset, environment etc.
Episode 36 – Superior Small Batch – Shane Dickey Talks Vegan Brimson Bangers and Hearty Burgers
00:00 / 59:52
Superior Small Batch is new, dedicated to good food and quality, company here in Duluth. They make vegan burgers and sausage. Shane, co-founder, talks about the inspiration behind the company, what is… and is NOT… in their food. (If you have food allergies or gluten issues, check out what they have to offer.) We talk where you can find their food in both store and restaurants.