“Part of my mission, honestly, is to defeat worry”
Matt on a mission!
“… take the opportunity or make a choice to improve what matters to you”
Passing on his insights from a full life of being a single father, athlete, entrepreneur, non-profit founder, caretaker, and more drive him to positively impact as many people as possible.
His book is one way he’s created to do that. Since our interview he has added, and is adding, more ways to interact with him and his concepts so we can get the most out of them and apply them to our lives and experience.
In our conversation he gives us an insightful introduction to what he lives by as well as a taste of what you will find in his book.
Maybe your at a place where you need a boost in a new direction… or just some inspiration to move in the path you have already set out on.
Maybe your someone who needs to hear a voice that feels solid, down to earth and grounded along with great perspective and insight… that is what I appreciate about Matt and why I invited him on the podcast.
The book itself has a lot packed in it. I is, I agree with Matt, a user friendly read.
What did we talk about?
“What would I regret not doing?”
What would YOU regret not doing?
Having this personal conversation through the book, was one of Matt’s answers.
Earned confidence
Mood Health –
– Managing depression, Matt’s 3 day rule, Loosing a family member to depression. The Mood Scale,
– We need to take our brain health seriously…. The brain… it IS part of our body after-all!
– When someone reaches out to you. When they are “below normal sad.”
Be Aware of Spiders – His cautionary chapter
Go with your gut
Swim With the Current
– Finding the balance.
– Matt’s found secret to a happy marriage.
– Swimming with the current and at times making the decision to BE the current.
Energy exchange and impact
Management of our personal energy
Root Yourself in Gratitude (11:11 and a pause for gratitude.)
No amount of gratitude will get your book written for you.
LEAP – He walks you through the steps of making a Life Enrichment Action Plan.
Like what you hear? Want to keep up with what Matt has created and has in the works…
Matt Zinman
You can get a sample of his book here as well as Amazon for free: https://amzn.to/2LkpJVg
Keep an eye out for the audio book in production now.
Find him on facebook
When I first was connected with Matt’s work, his chapter titles piqued my curiosity…

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A special thank you to ALL of those of you supporting Wellness Renaissance with your gifts on Patreon. You are rock stars and meaningful inspiration!
Thank you to Green Home Solutions for supporting the podcast.
If you need help with mold, disinfection, odor, allergen control or basement and crawl space cleaning… check them out. Find location nearest you by clicking here
here in Duluth call Steve at 218-576-5293
Judy’s fun find
Tons of free, really great workouts… for free. All levels.
Music from the Album, Synthetic Universe, by Brent a Reiland and John Lyell. Intro Music sampled from Etheral Float; Parting Music sampled from Pleiadian Sky.
John Lyell